Dr. Prakash Rao

Deputy Director, Professor and Head-Energy and Environment at Symbiosis Institute of International Business (SIIB)
dydirector@siib.ac.inDr. Prakash Rao is Deputy Director, Professor and Head-Energy and Environment at Symbiosis Institute of International Business (SIIB). He has a vast research experience in Climate change impacts on freshwater ecosystems in the Himalayas, Impacts of Climate change on fisheries on the India's east coast, Vegetation types of the southern eastern ghats- a remote sensing perspective, Environmental Footprints as an Indicator of Sustainability at Symbiosis International University and its Constituent Institutions in Pune, Review of India GHG protocol for ICLEI South Asia, Sectoral assessments of Mitigation (Power and energy use ) and demand side management. His current research interest include Climate Change and Energy Policy, Energy conservation and management, Climate change Ecosystem based adaptation, Climate infrastructure resilience, Carbon markets and policies, Water and Energy linkages, Integrated Natural Resource Management, Corporate Sustainability Frameworks and Standards, Sustainability in higher education, Environment Footprint, Urbanization and development.

Dr. Yogesh Patil

Professor & Head - Research Publications at the Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI)
head_respub@siu.edu.inDr. Yogesh Patil is Professor and Head - Research Publications at the Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation (SCRI), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, India. Dr. Patil has 23 years of post-graduate teaching and research experience in the broad areas of Environmental Science & Technology, Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Management. His scholarly interest and area of expertise include - Bioremediation (active & passive biomass); Metal-microbe Interactions & their Applications, Waste Resource Management (Resource Recovery); Climate Change Mitigation; Industrial Ecology; Toxic and Hazardous Waste Management and Sustainable Waste Management Technologies and Strategies. Dr. Patil has published several research papers in national and international Scopus/WoS indexed journals of repute. He has also successfully undertaken several national and international research/consultancy projects. Dr. Patil likes to work in interdisciplinary areas, which cut across science, technology and management.

Dr. Kanchan Khare

Professor & Head; Department of Civil Engineering at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT, Pune)
headcivil@sitpune.edu.inDr. Kanchan Khareis Professor & Head; Department of Civil Engineering at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT, Pune). Dr. Khare has been researching on storm water drainage, wastewater treatment & reuse, blue green infrastructure, green buildings, sustainable water resources. She is currently working with Potential and validation of sustainable natural and advanced technologies for water and wastewater treatment (PAVITR) on a research project.

Dr. Madhura Bedarkar

Associate Professor & Deputy Director - Administration at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, (SIBM, Pune)
madhurabedarkar@sibmpune.edu.inDr. Madhura Bedarkar is Associate Professor & Deputy Director - Administration at the Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, (SIBM, Pune). She holds a doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Mumbai. Prior to academia, she worked with renowned chambers of commerce and industry and think tanks, wherein she was involved in projects relating to civic issues, marketing and environmental research. Dr. Madhura has been in academia for over 12 years. She has been training corporate managers and provides mentoring to aspiring entrepreneurs and start-ups. Her areas of expertise include sustainability, social and women entrepreneurship. She has published her research in reputed journals and has also bagged project funding from the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India to study women entrepreneurship in India. Dr. Madhura is a Ph.D. guide in SIU. She was a member of Cartel Working Group, Competition Commission of India, GoI during the year 2020-2021.

Dr. Manikprabhu Dhanorkar

Associate Professor & Deputy Head, Symbiosis Centre for Waste Resource Management (SCWRM)
dyhead@scwrm.siu.edu.inDr. ManikprabhuDhanorkar is Associate Professor and Deputy Head at Symbiosis Centre for Waste Resource Management (SCWRM). He has a vast experience in Solid waste and wastewater management, waste to energy, waste valorization and has successfully completed several research projects in these areas. Dr. Dhanorkar has been an advisor to several municipal councils and has been an auditor for waste management projects within Pune Municipal Corporation.

Dr. Kedar Bhagwat

Designation - Faculty and HOD for Infrastructure Development & Management (IDM)
kedar_bhagwat@scmhrd.eduDr Kedar Bhagwat is Faculty and HOD for Infrastructure Development & Management (IDM) programmeat Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, (SCMHRD). He has undertaken research in economic analysis of the passenger car industry in India. His research interests include Sustainable Transport & transportation Economics, infrastructure, infrastructure project finance.

Dr. Aasha Sharma

Associate Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM, Nashik)
aasha.sharma@siom.inDr. Aasha Sharma is an Associate Professor at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM, Nashik). She has been studying the green consumerism in India. Her current research interests include De-consumption, Circular design thinking, Restoring Urban Ecosystems, and designing interventions for responsible consumption.

Dr. Nitin R. Mahankale

Associate Professor, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies (SCMS, Pune
nitin.mahankale@scmspune.ac.inDr. Nitin R. Mahankaleis Associate Professor at Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies (SCMS, Pune). Dr. Nitin has worked on Water Pollution, especially pollution by Fertilizer run off, and Biodiversity.

Dr. Richa Minocha

Associate Professor, Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts (SSLA)
Dr. Richa Minocha is a researcher, an environmentalist, a gender practitioner, a social worker
other than a teacher. She works as an Associate Professor with the Symbiosis School for Liberal
Arts (SSLA), Symbiosis International University (SIU). At SSLA, she is teaching courses on Politics
of Ecology and the Environment in Developing Countries, Social Work & Inclusion and
Environment Studies, and is actively involved in building the Women & Gender Studies
department. She is also SSLA’s nodal officer for Symbiosis Community Outreach Programme and
Extension (SCOPE). Richa is a resource person at the Himachal Pradesh Institute of Public
Administration (HIPA) in Simla, India, where she has been teaching issues related to gender
mainstreaming and analysis, and the environment. She has had a varied academic record which
spans the disciplines of anthropology, particularly environmental anthropology, political ecology
and development issues, along with gender concerns. She has been core in-country faculty for
the course of “Agriculture, Ecology and Sustainable Futures” for the program of Rethinking Food
Security: People Agriculture and Politics under the International Honors' Program (IHP), a study abroad program offered to American Universities students at under graduate level by the School of International Studies, World Learning, USA. She has also earlier been the Member Secretary
and Founder of a grassroot level organization called Jan Abhiyan Sanstha (JAS), working on
issues such as agriculture, food security, livelihoods, gender and disaster in the Himalayan
Richa has been a post doctoral fellow at the London School of Economics for her research on ecological and cultural dimensions in development. She has worked at the Institute of
Integrated Himalayan Studies as Lecturer in Social Sciences, whereby apart from conducting
research and capacity building, she played a significant role in initiating the “Himalayan Studies
Journal”. She has done Consultancies for ActionAid on sustainable cities, migration and
livelihoods in urban and rural areas; on children’s issues for Butterflies Child Rights Organization
and has been team leader for a community based ecotourism project, on behalf of JAS. She has
been teaching Travel and Tourism Studies at Saint Bede’s College Shimla and has been affiliated
to other organisations such as the People’s Science Institute (PSI) in Dehradun in India, working
on issues related to environment, climate change, livelihoods, agriculture, and mountain cities.
With PSI she was actively engaged in teaching a Development Practitioner’s Training course,
aimed at building human resources for the social sector, as also for building consciousness
related to impacts of climate change in young minds. Apart from the Himalayan and
mountainous region, Richa has/is expanding her research on Development projects, land
acquisition and impacts on livelihoods and food security to coastal regions like Kutch, Gujarat
and Maharashtra.

Dr. Yogesh M. Pisolkar

Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies (SCMS, Pune
yogesh.pisolkar@scmspune.ac.inDr. Yogesh M. Pisolkar is Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies (SCMS, Pune). He has been working on Problems related to Costal Tourism and their Sustainability; Heritage conservation and mangrove ecosystems. Dr. Yogesh teaches courses in sustainability and creates experiential learning projects for undergraduate students.

Dr. Rahul B. Hiremath

Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, (SCMHRD)
rahul_hiremath@scmhrd.eduDr. Rahul B. Hiremath is Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, (SCMHRD), Pune India. Before joining SCMHRD, he was also associated with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) London, and Eaton technologies at key leadership positions in the field of energy sustainability and climate change. His work also extended as a team member with various international organizations which included DFID UK, SDC (Swiss government), Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the World Bank. He has published in many peer-reviewed referred international journals. His area of research interests is in Sustainability and Climate Change.

Dr. Ramkrishna Manatkar

Sr. Assistant Professor - Operations and Supply Chain Management, Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM, Nashik)
ramkrishna.manatkar@siom.inDr. RamkrishnaManatkar is Sr. Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM, Nashik). He has done his research on Optimisation of the retail supply chain network in steel wire industry. His current research interests include Logistics, Supply Chain, Sustainable transport, Electric Vehicles, Industry 4.0, Block chain, etc.

Dr. Pooja Singh

Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Centre for Waste Resource Management (SCWRM)
pooja.singh@scwrm.siu.edu.inDr. Pooja Singh is Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Centre for Waste Resource Management, (SCWRM). She has done her Ph.D. from the Institute of Microbial Technology, CSIR, Chandigarh and has successfully served as a DST Woman Scientist at the Symbiosis School of Biological Sciences, Pune. She has good experience in microbiology and environmental biotechnology. She has done extensive work on the use of microbial products like biosurfactants for environmental applications. Her current research interests include, wastewater microbiology, bioremediation, aquatic plants and waste valorisation.

Mrs. Mugdha Kshirsagar

Assistant Professor; Department of Civil Engineering Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT, Pune)
mugdhak@sitpune.edu.inMrs. MugdhaKshirsagar is Assistant Professor; Department of Civil Engineering at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT, Pune). She has research experience in Urban stormwater Quality Modeling. Her current research interests include Environmental Hydraulics, Urban stream Restoration, Decentralised Solutions, Water and Wastewater Sustainable Solutions.

Dr.Sayali Sandbhor

Assistant Professor; Department of Civil Engineering at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT, Pune)
sayali.sandbhor@sitpune.edu.inDr. SayaliSandbhoris Assistant Professor; Department of Civil Engineering at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT, Pune) and Incharge- Civil Engineering Society of Symbiosis. She has research experience in predicting real property value using neural network. Her current research interests include sustainable concrete, valuation, construction management.

Dr. Sayali Apte

Assistant Professor; Department of Civil Engineering at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT, Pune)
sayali.apte@sitpune.edu.inDr. SayaliApteis Assistant Professor; Department of Civil Engineering at Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT, Pune). She has 6 + years of research experience in environmental engineering in the area of Industrial wastewater treatment and bio-medical waste management. Her current research interests include water and wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater treatment and disposal, and solid waste management with a focus on plastic and battery waste

Dr. Swarnalakshmi Umamaheswaran

Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, (SIBM Bengaluru)
swarna.u@sibm.edu.inDr. SwarnalakshmiUmamaheswaran is Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, (SIBM Bengaluru). Her doctoral research was in the area of 'Low carbon growth development' from TERI. Her current interests are in climate communication and industry engagement in climate change and specially focussed on using Machine Learning/AI in the context of climate change & sustainability research.

Dr. Vasundhara Sen

Adjunct Faculty at Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, (SCMHRD)
vasundhara_sen@scmhrd.eduDr. Vasundhara Sen is Adjunct Faculty at Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, (SCMHRD). She has done her doctoral research in the area of renewable energy reforms. Apart from teaching subjects in renewable energy and economics, she regularly consults on renewable energy research projects. Her current research interests include Energy Transition, Renewable Energy Procurement, RE Grid Integration and Designing Market Based RE Instruments.

Dr. Harshad Sonar

Assistant Professor, Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM, Nashik)
harshad.sonar@siom.inDr. Harshad Sonar is an Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM, Nashik). He has done his research on Evaluating the impact of additive manufacturing on firm competitiveness. His current research interests include Industry 4.0, Supply Chain Management, Sustainability, Circular Economy, and Electric Vehicles.

Dr. Sanu Rani Paul

Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Law School (SLS, Hyderabad).
Dr. Sanu Rani Paul is Assistant Professor at Symbiosis Law School (SLS, Hyderabad). She has done her research in State action doctrine and its application in India from the Department of Studies in Law, University of Mysore. Her current research interests include Coastal Zone Regulations, Groundwater, Forest and Biodiversity laws.